Important Apache Directives

1 Alias
2 AliasMatch
3 Include
4 LoadModule
5 ServerAdmin
6 ServerName
7 UseCanonicalName
8 Listen
9 AllowOverride
10 Order
11 Allow
12 Deny
13 AccessFileName
14 ErrorLog
15 LogFormat
16 ServerSignature
17 CheckSpelling
18 DirectoryIndex
19 DocumentRoot
20 ErrorDocument
21 Options
22 ProxyPass
23 ProxyPassReverse
24 ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain
25 ProxyPassReverseCookiePath
26 Redirect
27 RedirectMatch
28 RewriteCond
29 RewriteRule
30 ScriptAlias
31 ScriptAliasMatch
32 UserDir
33 AddLanguage
34 AddType
35 AddHandler

Disk Utilities in linux

Below are an Important Command which can be used for disks manipulation ::



mkfs.ext[2 3 4]

Used to create the file system on the raw Partition


Used to change the parameter of the created file system/device


Used to see the filesystem/device parameter like number of blocks,inodes


Used to create the partition on the file system


used to check the size of the file/folder/directory on the disk

df –h

Used to check the disk space utilizations and free space.


Check the UUID of the Partitions


used to get/set the hdd parameters

Some important Definations related to disk

1. inode


 Inode stores the file meta information like file creation,modification

2. block


A block is a group of sectors between 1KiB and 64KiB, and the
number of sectors must be an integral power of 2.

It is the master Boot Record located at the 0th Sector of the
Disk. It is of 512 Bytes of Contains the Program Code and Partition
Table.The 512 Bytes are consumed as below

446 Bytes are the primary Boot Loader, contains both executable code and error message text

64 Bytes are Stores the Partition Table information, which
contains the records of four partitions(16 bytes each).

2 Bytes , MBR ends with these two bytes which contains the Magic

Lock the SSH/Putty shell Screen

Hello Linux Administrators,

Lock shell screen while using putty.

1. Many times we keep left open that shell and go away from the system. This will be harmful to left it open.

2. Many times we keep open multiple shells for multiple servers. While working we often execute commands for different server by mistaken. I also done this mistake.

3. So we need the application to keep opened shell as locked.

4. We can achieve this by using an application “vlock” for centos and redhat servers to keep shell prompt locked while its not in use.

How to Install vlock

Execute the below command ::

# yum install vlock

Verify the Binary using ::

[root@server ~]# which vlock



that’s it.

Thanks &  Regards,

Shital Sakhare

Remove the IP from the Cphulk bruteforce protection using command line

Hello Readers 🙂

Sometime We can not login to the cpanel or any other panel, email account, webmail, outlook because your local IP address may be blocked into the servers firewall. You can remove it from the WHM panel. Also you can remove it from the Command line by running the database queries.

I have write a script for those who want to remove the IP from the brute force without editing the Mysql database.



Add the below code into the file :

mysql -u root cphulkd<<EOFMYSQL
delete from logins;
delete from brutes;


chmod x+a

Run this file using


That’s it. It will remove all the IPs from the blacklist.

If anybody have queries then please comment on it.



Shital Sakhare